Electronic components have revolutionized our lives. From everyday use items like mobiles, microwaves, and computers, electronic components are used across industries including IT, medical, aviation, manufacturing, and more. An active electronic component executes its functions with the use of an energy source which is normally removed from a DC circuit. These types of components that you may find with an electronics components distributor include diodes, batteries, ICs (Integrated Circuits), transistors, relay switches, and oscillators. On the other hand, passive components do not rely on a power source, so they cannot amplify. Passive components that you can find with electronics components distributors include capacitors, transformers, and inductors.
PCBs and ICs
Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) have electronic components embedded in a circuit board. These have layouts of the circuit board printed chemically onto a plastic board. However, most modern electronics require thousands and even millions of tiny components. That’s where ICs come in, whose sole purpose is to increase the efficiency of the electronic device while reducing its size. Capacitors are one of the most widely used electronic components, especially for building ICs and PCBs. It’s a passive, two-terminal component that can store energy in an electric field electrostatically. That way, a capacitor works as a small rechargeable battery that stores electricity. However, unlike a battery, a capacitor can charge and discharge in a split second.
Resistor is another passive two-terminal device that you can find at electronics components distributors which is used to resist the flow of current. It is probably the simplest of electronic elements and is usually available in color-coded form at electronics components distributors. Resistor performs the vital function of controlling voltage and current in the circuit, and thus gives the manufacturer control over the design of the circuit. The number of electrons going through the wire decreases as the length and thinness of the wire increases.
A transistor is a tiny semiconductor device with three terminals. They are often used as amplifiers and switching devices. Think of them as relays without any moving parts as they can turn something on and off without making any movement. A transistor can be either PNP (Positive Negative Positive), or NPN (Negative Positive Negative) type. Each transistor has a Base (B), Collector (C), and Emitter (E). When an N silicon slab is sandwiched between two P-type bars, you get PNP transistor, and when a P silicon slab is sandwiched between two N-type bars, what you will have is called an NPN transistor. An NPN transistor requires a positive voltage for the base, while an NPN transistor would need a negative voltage for base.
Diode is another common component that is often ordered from electronics components distributors. It is commonly used to convert an Alternating Current (AC) to a Direct Current or DC. It is usually made from a semiconductor material like silicon. A P-N junction diode comprises a P-type and N-type semiconductors of silicon. P-type semiconductor is usually doped with impurity from boron, leaving holes or positive charge in the diode, while N-type semiconductor is doped with antimony impurity, adding a few extra electrons or negative charge to it. This way, electric circuits can flow through both semiconductors. A diode can be forward-biased or reverse-biased. When it is forward-biased, the negative terminal of the battery is connected to N-type semiconductor, and the positive terminal is connected to P-type semiconductor, and electrons and holes can move across the junction. The reverse bias is just the opposite of the above, P-type of the semiconductor is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, and N-type is connected to the positive terminal. As such, no current can flow through the diode as electrons and holes are pushed away from each other, widening the depletion zone.
Relay is an electromagnetic switch that can open and close circuits electromechanically or electronically. It requires a relatively small current to operate, and is used to regulate low currents in a control circuit. Consider it as an electrical equivalent of a lever, which can be used to switch on with a small current to turn on or leverage another circuit with the help of a large amount of current. You can have both electrochemical relays and solid-state relays from electronics components distributors.
More electronics components
As a trusted electronics components distributor, Express Technology Group provides the best quality electronics components for use in domestic and industrial applications. We have all types of electronic components that are used in domestic and industrial applications, including displays, microcontrollers, connectors, and other networking solutions. With over 25 years of experience in dealing with electronics components, Express Technology Group has earned credibility as a trusted electronic components distributor. Our rapid response and streamlined distribution processes will ensure that you get the right electronic component at the right time you need, with personalized support and customer care.