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Express Technology Group is a worldwide industry leading distributor of Altera parts. We carry all types of Altera parts including Integrated Circuits, CPLDs, FPGAs, and many more. You can use our global part search utility to check stock and request a quote online and a sales associate will contact you promptly. Our sales reps are here to help you with all your Altera needs Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 6:00pm (EST) or call (631) 869-2035 for immediate assistance.

About Altera


 - Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Altera Corporation (NASDAQ: ALTR) is the leader in innovative custom logic solutions, and has been ever since inventing the world’s first programmable logic device in 1983. Today, over 2,600 employees in 19 countries are providing even more ingenious custom logic solutions – addressing a range of concerns, from power consumption to performance to cost – for customers in a wide variety of industries, including automotive, broadcast, computer and storage, consumer, industrial, medical, military, test and measurement, wireless, and wireline. In addition to devices, Altera’s comprehensive solutions portfolio contains fully integrated software development tools, versatile embedded processors, optimized intellectual property (IP) cores, reference designs examples, and a variety of development kits.  


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