Electronic Transistor Distributor

Basic Electronic Components Used in a Wide Array of Devices

Our technologies continue to evolve with time, as we improve our knowledge to explore the world and beyond. The advancement of various sciences is not only restricted to IoT integration into homes and smart gadgets that help us in daily activities but extends further to interplanetary spaceflight.  

Electronic Components: Small Components Make a Large Difference  

Every device that we use daily would’ve been impossible to develop without the use of small electronic components. These components, even though invisible on the outside, perform small functions essential for the device to execute complicated tasks with speed. From the smallest smartwatches to the largest jets flying above, electronic components are ever-present in all.   

A Brief Introduction to Electronic Components  

Electronic components is an umbrella term for the number of components used to construct an electronic circuit. Different components distribute the electric current in a specific way, carrying information and helping in the functions of the circuit. Electronic components are classified into two categories, namely active and passive components. Let us take a look at both types of electronic components.  

Active Electronic Components  

Components that can control and amplify the flow of electrical current and supply energy to the circuit are called active electronic components. To establish an electronic circuit, using at least one active component is a prerequisite. Transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits are some of the most common examples of electronic components.   

Transistors: Transistors are used for amplifying electrical signals or as switching devices. The three terminals are a mark of a transistor, enabling them to turn something on and off without the need to flick a switch.  

Diodes: A Diode comprises of a cathode and anode, allowing electric current to flow in a single direction. Electric current starts flowing when the anode is charged with a positive voltage and the cathode with a negative one. Made from a semiconductor material or vacuum tube, diodes are generally used to convert an alternating current (AC) into a direct current (DC). You must rely on trusted Zener diodes distributors to use high-quality components.   

Integrated Circuit: Even though an integrated circuit (IC) is made up of numerous intricate circuits on a circuit board and is utilized for a variety of purposes, it is nonetheless regarded as a component because of this. They are composed of minuscule, planar silicon fragments that are layered with several electronic components, including transistors.  

Passive Electronic Components  

Passive electronic components aren’t capable of controlling or amplifying the flow of electrical current but function through receiving energy and either dissipating, resisting, absorbing, or storing the energy in an electric or magnetic field. Common passive components include resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers.   

Resistors: As the name suggests, a resistor is a two-terminal electrical device made for resisting the flow of the current. Even in smaller devices, resistors are one of the most common cheap electronic components used in all electronic circuits. Resistors are graded based on their power ratings (amount of power they can handle without exploding) and resistance values (capacity to resist current). The measurement is done in units known as ohms.  

Capacitors: Capacitors are another useful electronic component that has the function of storing electrical charge temporarily in an electric field, releasing it later as per the requirement. Capacitors help in stabilizing circuits as they let AC flow through and resist the direct current.   

Inductors: An inductor consists of a two-terminal component that stores energy in a magnetic field and returns energy to the circuit when required. It allows DC to flow through it but not AC. It is composed of a coil wire that is wound around a core which can be either a magnet or even air.  

Transformers: The primary function of a transformer is to raise voltage levels as they can step up or step down voltage while the power and energy remain the same on the primary and secondary sides.   

Top-Quality Electronic Components Make for Superior Devices  

Despite of their small size, the aforementioned electronic components are integral in the functioning of a device. Therefore, if you’re making a device for better functionality, speed, and accuracy, you should always rely on top-quality electronic components, be it a capacitor, resistor, or transistor. Contacting reputed Zener diodes distributors is the key to success. If you require top-quality electronic components, you can always rely on Express Technologies for all your requirements. We have the experience of over 25 years in the industry and use our unique marketing insight to offer customized supply chain solutions for businesses. Contact us now! 


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